MobiCom 2012 / Istanbul, Turkey / August 22-26, 2012


 Demos and Exhibits 


The following demos have been accepted for presentation at MobiCom 2012:

  • Field Tests and Indoor Emulation of Distributed Autonomous Multi-Hop Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications over TV White Space,
    Onur Altintas, Yutaka Ihara, Haris Kremo, and Hideaki Tanaka (TOYOTA InfoTechnology Center, Tokyo, Japan); Masaaki Ohtake and Takeo Fujii (University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan); Chikara Yoshimura, Keisuke Ando, Kazuya Tsukamoto, Masato Tsuru, and Yuji Oie (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Fukuoka, Japan)

  • A Bundle Protocol Implementation for Android Devices,
    Johannes Morgenroth, Sebastian Schildt, and Lars Wolf (Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany)

  • An Implementation of Secure Two-Party Computation for Smartphones with Application to Privacy-Preserving Interest-Cast,
    Gianpiero Costantino, Fabio Martinelli, Paolo Santi, and Dario Amoruso (IIT-CNR, Pisa, Italy)

  • On-demand Content-centric Wireless Networking,
    Hanno Wirtz, David Martin, Benjamin Grap, and Klaus Wehrle (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)

  • Using SOS message propagation to estimate the location of immobilized persons,
    Noriyuki Suzuki, Jane Louie Fresco Zamora, Shigeru Kashihara, and Suguru Yamaguchi (Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan)

  • MARVEL: Multiple Antenna based Relative Vehicle Localizer,
    Dong Li, Tarun Bansal, Zhixue Lu, and Prasun Sinha (Ohio State University, USA)

  • FLIGHT: Clock Calibration Using Fluorescent Lighting,
    Zhenjiang Li, Cheng Li, Wenwei Chen, Jingyao Dai, and Mo Li (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore); Xiang-Yang Li (Illinois Institute of Technology, USA); and Yunhao Liu (Tsinghua University, China)
    Best Demo Award

  • A Wideband Compressed Spectrum Sensing Platform for Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks,
    Qiang Liu, Ze Zhao, and Li Cui (Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, China)

The Call for Demos is archived here.

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