Improving Location Services with Prediction
Jeremy Powell and Tracy Camp (Colorado School of Mines,
Opportunistic Bandwidth Allocation with SDR
Michael Ford, Benjamin Olsen, and Haiyun Luo (University
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, US)
Progress Routing: An Efficient, Beacon-Less Geographic
Routing Protocol
Ed Krohne and Tracy Camp (Colorado School of Mines, US)
Achieving Generic Asymmetric Sensing Architecture
Yu Gu and Tian He (University of Minnesota Twin Cities,
Deflect: Interference-aware Fast Path Adaptation in Wireless
Mesh Networks
Vishnu Navda (Stony Brook University, US), Samrat Ganguly
(NEC Labs, US), and Samir Das (Stony Brook University, US)
Energy-Efficient Frame Dropping Policies for Multimedia
Robin Snader, Albert F. Harris III, and Robin Kravets (University
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, US)
Geographic Forwarding and Adaptive Load Balancing in
Wireless Sensor Networks
Paolo Casari (University of Padova, Italy), Michele Nati,
Chiara Petrioli (Rome University °∞La Sapienza°±,
Italy), and Michele Zorzi (University of Padova, Italy)
Hybrid Sensor and Mesh Networks
Gaurav Sharma (Purdue University, US), Ravi R. Mazumdar
(University of Waterloo, Canada), and Ness B. Shroff (Purdue
University, US)
Managing Delay and Jitter through Multi-Hop Path-Aware
Distributed Transmission Scheduling
Justin Yackoski and Chien-Chung Shen (University of Delaware,
Mitigating the Gateway Bottleneck via Transparent Cooperative
Caching in Wireless Mesh Networks
Saumitra M. Das, Himabindu Pucha, and Y. Charlie Hu (Purdue
University, US)
Obfuscating Temporal Context of Sensor Data by Coalescing
at Source
Abhishek Ray Chaudhuri and Amiya Bhattacharya (New Mexico
State University, US)
On the (In)Feasibility of Fine Grained Transmit Power
Vivek Shrivastava, Dheeraj Agarwal, Arunesh Mishra, Suman
Banerjee (University of Wisconsin Madison, US), and Tamer
Nadeem (Siemens Corporate Research, US)
Structures of User Association Patterns in WLAN
Wei-jen Hsu, Debojyoti Dutta, and Ahmed Helmy (University
of Southern California, US)
Traffic-Aware Channel Assignment in Wireless LANs
Eric Rozner, Yogita Mehta (University of Texas at Austin,
US), Aditya Akella (University of Wisconsin Madison), Lili
Qiu (University of Texas at Austin, US)
Regular Student Posters
CAESAR: an Urban Location Service for VANETs
Francesco Giudici (Università degli Studi di Milano,
Cross-Layer Protocol Design for Delay/Fault-Tolerant
Mobile Sensor Networks (DFT-MSN)
Yu Wang (University of Louisiana at Lafayette, US), Feng
Lin (Sichuan University, China), and Hongyi Wu (University
of Louisiana at Lafayette, US)
PAN-on-Demand: Self-organizing wireless networks for
mobile power management
Manish Anand and Jason Flinn (University of Michigan, US)
Secure Multicast Routing in Wireless Networks
Reza Curtmola (John Hopkins University, US) and Cristina
Nita-Rotaru (Purdue University, US)
SMOCK: A Scalable Method of Cryptographic Key Management
in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Wenbo He, Ying Huang, Klara Nahrstedt (University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign, US), Whay c. Lee (Motorola Labs, US)
The feasibility of leveraging a power save protocol to
improve performance in ad hoc networks
Laura Marie Feeney and Christian Rohner (Uppsala University,
TRAC: An Architecture for Real-Time Dissemination of
Vehicular Traffic Information
Shravan Rayanchu, Sulabh Agrawal, Arunesh Mishra, Suman
Banerjee (University of Wisconsin Madison, US), S. Ganguly
(NEC Labs, US)
The undergraduate SRC submission deadline has been
extended to August 25, 2006.
Yang, the winner of the Student Research Competition at
MobiCom '05, placed 2nd in this year's ACM
SRC Grand Final. She is a Ph.D. candidate at the Dept. of
Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Her advisor is Prof. Robin Kravets.
The ACM Student Research Competition (sponsored by Microsoft
Research) held at MobiCom 2006 will consist of two categories:
undergraduate and graduate. Students whose submissions
are accepted by the SRC committee will receive up to $500
for their conference travel, depending on need and eligibility.
Selected abstracts will be published at ACM
Mobile Computing and Communications Review, Special Section
on MobiCom'06 posters. The top three winners from each category
will receive plaques with their names engraved and the prizes
of $500, $300, and $200, respectively.
Winners are also automatically advanced to the ACM SRC Grand
Finals to compete with the winners from other ACM SIG conferences.
The winners of the Grand Finals will be recognized at the
annual ACM Awards Banquet.
SRC submissions should describe recent research conducted
primarily by students or a recent development that involves
a substantial amount of work achieved primarily by students.
Research and development projects that fall in the general
area of wireless networking and mobile computing are acceptable.
Please refer to the MobiCom CFP for a detailed list of interest
areas. Each submission should include the authors' names,
affiliations, email addresses, research advisors' names, ACM
student member number, SRC category (undergraduate or graduate),
and an extended abstract. Note that if any member of the team
is a graduate student the submission must be classified into
the graduate category. The extended abstract should be formatted
the same way as other regular student poster submissions.
The submissions are first reviewed by the SRC committee.
Based on their research quality and significance, the SRC
committee accepts SRC candidates to enter the first round
of competition during the poster session at the conference.
The SRC committee then evaluates the SRC poster presentations,
with the additional criteria of oral and visual clarity, and
selects three finalists from each category. Each finalist
will give a formal presentation, in the same style as the
regular conference paper presentations. The SRC committee
finally votes and ranks the finalists. The winners will be
announced at the conference banquet.
Complete a submission to the Student Poster Program by June
30, 2006 August 25, 2006, and indicate that you
would like to participate in the SRC. Candidates accepted
by the SRC committee should be prepared to attend the poster
session and, if selected for further competition, give a formal
presentation about their research at the conference. Current
ACM student membership and student status as of the submission
deadline are required for the lead student.
- Will the $500, $300, $200 received by the winners in each
of the two categories be *in addition* to the $500 travel
A: Yes, the cash prizes are in addition to the travel grants.
Travel grants are awarded to all accepted SRC poster presenters,
but prizes are only awarded to the top three from each category.
- Is the submission of "extended abstracts" a "dual-submission"
to the Student Poster Program?
A: Yes, SRC posters are considered parts of the Student
Poster Program. However, there will be regular student posters
that do not compete in SRC.
- How will a candidate know he/she has won the $500 conference
travel grant, and then to attend the conference using the
A: We will send out the notification of the acceptance to
the SRC program around the end of July. The travel grant
checks will be distributed at the conference.
- "Selected abstracts" will be published in MC2R;
but are these the winners of the first round (or the finalists)?
A: Not exactly. We usually publish more poster abstracts
than the SRC finalists, depending on the quality of the
student posters and the page budget from MC2R.
We select poster abstracts from the pool of all student
posters, including both SRC posters and regular student
- I am a PhD student. Can I participate?
A: Yes, as a PhD student you qualify for the graduate students
- Is the ACM student membership required for SRC?
A: Yes, the lead author of an SRC submission must be a student
with ACM membership. If the student is not an ACM member
yet, he/she can join ACM before the submission deadline
to be eligible. ACM membership is not required for regular
student poster submissions.
Victor Bahl
Khaled Boussetta
Anjum Farooq
Sneha Kasera
Tom La Port
Sung-Ju Lee
Mark Lewin
Baochun Li
Haiyun Luo
Songwu Lu
Dario Maggiorini
Elena Pagani
Oriana Riva |
Microsoft Research, USA
Universite de Versailles Saint-Quentin, France
Telcordia Tech., USA
University of Utah, USA
Penn State University, USA
HP Labs, USA
Microsoft Research, USA
University of Toronto, Canada
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
University of California at Los Angeles, USA
University of Milano, Italy
Universita degli Studi di Milano, Italy
University of Helsinki, Finland |