October 30, 1998
| WOSBIS'98 - Third ACM/IEEE International Workshop on
Satellite-Based Information Services
In conjunction with the widely recognized primer conference in MOBICOM'98,
this workshop provides a forum for exploratory research contributions on
satellite applications and services. The services are characterized by
direct or global broadcast capabilities of LEO, MEO, GEO satellites, low
setup costs, high and possibly asymmetric bandwidth, and unconventional
network routing/switching. Applications of such services are often
real-time, mobile, high bandwidth, and multicast. They include
telemedicine, public information services, education, entertainment,
Internet access, digital battlefield, emergency and disaster response,
For more information or a schedule
contact Yongguang Zhang.
Workshop Schedule Notes:
- Full Day 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
- 2-3 Speakers
- 10 Contributing papers
- Luncheon