October 25-30, 1998 | Dallas, Texas |
Saturday, October 24
Registration |
Sunday, October 25
Tutorial 1: Mobile IP: Adding Mobility to the Internet
The Internet is growing by leaps and bounds, and likewise mobile computers are becoming more and more popular. When mobile computers move, and attach themselves to new networks within the Internet, they can use mobile-IP as a means to achieve seamless roaming transparently to application software. In this situation, transparent means that the applications work just as before, and don't need to be recompiled or reconfigured. Seamless means that roaming from one place to another occurs without inconvenience to the user. As long as a physical path exists for communication, the user might not even be aware when a cell boundary has been crossed. The objective of the seminar is to lay out all the necessary protocol technology to allow mobile computers to use mobile-IP, and to describe the relevant operation of other protocols which can be used to aid mobility (such as DHCP and Service Location Protocol). In this tutorial, I will explore in detail all aspects of mobile-IP and other standard protocols that further simplify the operation of mobile computers in the Internet, including:
The seminar is intended for anyone who is interested in learning about how to use mobile-IP, create a home network for mobile users within their organization, or explore new Internet protocols and mobile computing. This includes programmers, administrators, network managers, and mobile computer users who are already familiar with using the Internet. Charles E. Perkins is a Senior Staff Engineer at Sun Microsystems, developing Service Location Protocol and investigating dynamic configuration protocols for mobile networking. He is the editor for ACM/IEEE Transactions on Networking and for ACM/Baltzer Wireless Networks in the area of wireless networking. He is serving as document editor for the mobile-IP working group of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), and is author or co-author of standards-track documents in the mobileip, svrloc, dhc (Dynamic Host Configuration) and IPng working groups. Charles is also associate editor for Mobile Communications and Computing Review, the official publication of ACM SIGMOBILE. He is serving on the Internet Architecture Board (IAB). Charles has authored a book on Mobile IP, and has published a number of papers in the areas of mobile networking, ad-hoc networking, route optimization for mobile networking, resource discovery, and automatic configuration for mobile computers. He is lead guest editor of an upcoming issue of the ACM/Baltzer journal Mobile Networks and Applications. Charles has served on various committees for the National Research Council, and is currently the chairperson of the Nomadicity Working Team of the Cross-Industry Working Team (XIWT). His previous projects included developing multiprocessor operating systems using Mach, and adapting Unix to fit on PDAs (personal digital assistants), multiprocessor systems and user interface prototyping systems. Charles holds a B.A. in mathematics and a M.E.E. degree from Rice University, and a M.A. in mathematics from Columbia University. He is a member of ISOC, ACM, IEEE, and the IETF.
Tutorial 2: Overview of 3rd Generation of Wireless Networks
The next generation of wireless initiatives is popularly known as '3G'. This overview is designed for professionals in wireless arena who are familiar with current generation of wireless technologies, standards and services. The tutorial begins with an introduction to 3G and a brief discussion on 1st and 2nd generation technologies and their limitations. The discussion of the previous generations leads in to the driving forces behind the need for 3G and the objectives for 3G. The user perspective wherein we discuss the services in 3G follows this. The needs, objectives and services for 3G lay the foundation to discuss the challenges for 3G. The tutorial then focuses on the current status of the 3G initiative and describes the various standardization efforts and various Radio and Network technologies in the running for 3G. We discuss the efforts on IMT-2000, UMTS and cdmaOne-2000 efforts from standardization perspective. We follow the standards discussions with discussion on various radio access technologies such as WCDMA, TD-CDMA, WTDMA, FRAMES and network access concepts such as IMT-2000 family of systems, WIN, INAP, GSM-CAMEL. Once the technologies and various standards efforts are discussed then we present the shape of 3G wireless network and discuss how satellite and terrestrial, public and private, wired and wireless networks converge to provide seamless global services. We then conclude the tutorial by discussing the road ahead for 3G and how the 2G networks will fill the gap between now and deployment of 3G networks. The tutorial creates intense audience participation by including exercises and audience conducted reviews for each module. These activities increase the participants' interest and involvement throughout the tutorial. The tutorial is intended for students with good knowledge of wireless networks and familiarity with at least one of the 2nd generation technology. This tutorial covers both the technical and application aspects of 3G; hence, it is suitable for a relatively wide audience. Ramki Rajagopalan received the M.S. degree in Computer Science from UT Dallas and is working towards the Ph.D. degree in computer science with a specialization in mobile and wireless computing issues. He has more than 11 years of experience in the telecommunication industry, having worked in the architecture, design, development and performance & capacity analysis of call center management solutions, switch control center systems, digital cross connects, wireless base stations and networks. He has extensive experience in providing training services to communications technology companies including wireless networks, access technologies such as CDMA, wireless services and 3rd Generation wireless technologies. He started AWARD Solutions, an advanced communications training and consulting company with Satyajit Doctor. |
Monday, October 26
Tutorial 3: Client/Server Computing in Wireless and Mobile
Several appliances have engendered the new paradigm of mobile computing, in which users carrying portable devices have access to data and shared information services regardless of their physical location or movement behavior. In the meantime, research addressing information and data access in mobile environments has proliferated. In this tutorial, we will provide a framework and a categorization of the various ways of supporting mobile client-server information access. The tutorial will examine characteristics of mobility that distinguish mobile client-server computing from its traditional counterpart. The tutorial will then provide a comprehensive coverage and analysis of new paradigms and enabler concepts for mobile client-server computing, including the extended client-server model, mobility-aware adaptations, and data management issues in mobile client-server. The tutorial will also cover and compare major research prototypes for mobile information access. This is a full-day tutorial. High quality, copyrighted notes will be provided. Sumi Helal, Ph.D., is a Senior Member of the Technical Staff at MCC, Austin. He received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Computer Science and Automatic Control from Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt, and the M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Sciences from Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana. Before joining MCC to lead the Collaboration Management Infrastructure project (CMI), he was an Assistant Professor at the University of Texas at Arlington, and later, a Visiting Professor of Computer Sciences at Purdue University. His research interests include large-scale systems, fault-tolerance, transaction processing, distributed and parallel database systems, workflow, mobile computing and transactions, heterogeneous processing, and performance modeling. His current research deals with developing scalable data and transaction management protocols for wireless and mobile environments. Dr. Helal is a member of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and the IEEE and the IEEE Computer Society, serving on the Executive Committee of the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Operating Systems and Application Environments (TCOS). He presented over 11 conference tutorials on databases, standards, fault-tolerance, client/server topics, and mobile computing. This includes the International Conference on Data Engineering, VLDB, HPDC, the Reliability Symposium, Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, Parallel Processing Symposium, and the Brazilian database Symposium.
Tutorial 4: TCP for Wireless and Mobile Hosts
This tutorial deals with the impact of wireless transmission errors and host mobility on the performance of the transport control protocol (TCP). The tutorial begins with a brief overview of wireless technologies available today, and TCP and Mobile IP protocols. The tutorial is divided into 3 parts. First part deals with impact of wireless transmissions errors on TCP performance, and techniques for improving performance in presence of such errors. This is followed by an overview of the techniques targeted specifically for the satellite environment. Second part of the tutorial deals with impact of mobility, and techniques to improve TCP performance with mobility. The third part briefly deals with multihop wireless networks, with and without host mobility. The tutorial will provide the attendees with:
This tutorial is designed to provide an overview of issues related to TCP for wireless/mobile environments. The tutorial should benefit attendees from industry as well as academia, who work in areas related to telecommunication, wireless data, networking, and multimedia. Nitin Vaidya received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst in 1991 and 1992, respectively. He also received the M.E. degree from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore in 1988 and the B.E (Hons) degree from the Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani in 1986. Effective September 1998, he will be promoted to Associate Professor (currently Assistant Professor) of Computer Science at the Texas A&M University. His research interests include wireless/mobile communication and computing, and fault-tolerant computing. Nitin Vaidya is a recipient of a 1995 CAREER award from the National Science Foundation. He serves on the program committee of the 1998 International Workshop on Discrete Algorithms and Methods for Mobile Computing and Communication (DIAL-M). He is currently the editor of the Newsletters for IEEE Technical Committees on Computer Architecture and Fault Tolerant Computing. He guest-edited a special issue of IEEE Computer magazine on fault tolerant computing. He has served on program and organizing committess of several conferences. Dr. Vaidya is a member of ACM and IEEE Computer Society.
Tutorial 5: Wireless Ad Hoc Networking
An ad hoc network is a collection of wireless mobile nodes that dynamically form a temporary network without the need for any pre-existing network infrastructure or centralized administration. Due to the limited transmission range of wireless network interfaces, multiple network "hops" may be needed for one node to exchange data with another across the network. In recent years, a variety of new routing protocols targeted specifically at this environment have been developed. In this tutorial we will describe the idea of ad hoc networking and scenarios where this technology will make an impact. We explain how the environment of an ad hoc network is very different from the wired environment, and the effect this has on the design and operation of routing protocols for ad hoc networks. We then describe 6 different approaches to ad hoc networking, including all those presently under consideration for standardization by the IETF. We have been involved in extensive simulation and analysis of four of these protocols, and throughout the tutorial we will share the insights we have obtained from our recent studies. The intended audience for this tutorial is primarily other networking researchers who are interested in the current state of the art in ad hoc routing protocols. The tutorial should be of particular value to researchers and developers working on physical wireless interface devices, link-layer protocols, or mobile applications. Attendees will leave the tutorial with
Josh Broch authored the first implementation of Mobile IP for IPv6 and is a co-author of a leading IETF proposal for multi-hop routing in ad hoc wireless networks. His recent work focuses on the development and analysis of routing protocols for ad hoc networks. Josh received a B.S. in Mathematics and Computer Science from Barry University in 1995 and a M.S. in Information Networking from Carnegie Mellon University in 1996. He worked for five years as a Systems Engineer at Connections for Business (Hollywood, FL) and has interned at Oak Ridge National Lab and Microsoft. David A. Maltz has been designing and evaluating protocols for ad hoc networks for the past four years. His other recent research work includes the innovation of a technique called TCP Splice to improve network proxies. As an active participant in the IETF, he is working to create and standardize protocols for both Mobile IP and ad hoc networks. He received the S.B. and S.M. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1994. He has interned at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, Lotus Development Corporation, and the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center. He has held fellowships from IBM and Intel Corporation.
Welcome Reception
Tuesday, October 27
Opening Session
Keynote address
As vice president, Network Marketing and Business Development, Charles Drayton draws on more than 15 years of experience in the telecommunications industry to direct Wireless Networks' global marketing and business development activities. He is also a director of Netas, the Nortel Networks subsidiary in Turkey. Mr. Drayton possesses a strong customer orientation and a keen understanding of international telecommunications issues, having worked extensively with Nortel customers in many parts of the world. His previous assignment was vice president, Marketing, Sales and Business Development, for Wireless Networks. Prior to that role, he spent four years in Germany serving as managing director of Nortel Dasa, a joint venture with Daimler-Benz Aerospace established in 1995. He was also vice president, Nortel Europe, responsible for the Magellan data networking product line. Mr. Drayton joined Nortel in 1983. He has served in a variety of senior management positions encompassing finance, marketing and product line management. Prior to joining Nortel, he worked with the Ford Motor Company for over six years. He holds a bachelor's degree in economics and a master's degree in business administration from the University of Western Ontario, London, Canada.
Conference Luncheon with Speaker
Paper Session 1: Scheduling for Wireless Networks
A Wireless Fair Service Algorithm for Packet Cellular Networks
Balanced Media Access Methods for Wireless Networks
Paper Session 2: Information Delivery
Scheduling On-Demand Broadcasts for Heterogeneous Workloads: New Metrics and Algorithms
Modeling and Evaluation of Prefetching Policies for Context-Aware Information Services
Panel 1: Proxy Based Networking vs. End-to-End Networking
Resource limitations of mobile hosts, such as CPU, memory, power, display, and bandwidth limitations, pose new challenges for protocol architects. Researchers in the proxy camp argue that specific protocol and application layer optimizations are needed to cope with these limitations. Since one size does not fit all, proxies are necessary to provide impedance matching between mobile and wired hosts. However, the question is, "are proxies fundamental to providing networking services to mobile hosts?" The proponents of end-to-end networking argue that within the framework of end-to-end protocols specific limitations of mobile hosts can be accommodated. For example, mobile clients can request low resolution content from servers using HTTP content negotiation rather than relying on proxies for content distillation services. Similarly, TCP and MobileIP can be used to connect mobile hosts directly to the Internet instead of using special-purpose protocol gateways. The goal of this panel is to bring the advocates from both camps together and have a lively debate on this issue. The discussion will be a free form and opinions from the audience are solicited.
A Night on the Town - Dallas Style
Wednesday, October 28
Paper Session 3: Ad Hoc Network Routing
A Distance Routing Effect Algorithm for Mobility (DREAM)
A Performance Comparison of Multi-Hop Wireless Ad Hoc Network Routing Protocols
Paper Session 4: Mobile Application Middleware
Mobile Awareness in a Wide Area Wireless Network of Info-Stations
StratOSphere: Mobile Processing of Ditributed Objects in JAVA
Exhibits Open
Conference Luncheon with Speaker
Paper Session 5: System Design for Mobile Applications and Networks
Flexible Network Support for Mobility
Power Management Techniques for Mobile Communications
Paper Session 6: Adaptive Networking for Mobility
Power-Aware Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
On Programmable Universal Mobile Channels in a Cellular Internet
Conference Banquet
Thursday, October 29
Exhibit Hall
Paper Session 7: Location Management
An Efficient Mobility Management Strategy for Personal Communication Systems
Optimal Location Management Algorithms for Mobile Networks
Paper Session 8: Wireless ATM
Conference Luncheon with Speaker
Panel 2: Security in Mobile Systems
With the increasing use of networked systems to perform routine information gathering and computing tasks, the need for security in such systems has taken center stage. The number of users accessing the networked infrastructure from mobile clients has been increasing, and is projected to take off in the coming decade. Thus providing secure network access from mobile systems will be of increasing interest to vendors as well as consumers. This panel will discuss whether ongoing efforts in creating secure networked systems apply more or less as is to the mobile world, or whether they have inherent assumptions that would make their operation difficult in presence of mobility related constraints. Do issues such as asymmetry between communication endpoints, low and variable bandwidth, (elective) disconnections, ease of "snooping", rouge servers/MSRs etc. require a re-examination of standard security mechanisms? Or are they red herrings-problems that seem difficult but that can be solved by minor modifications of existing techniques?
Paper Session 9: Connection Admission-Control
A Call Admission Control Scheme for TCP/IP Based CDMA Voice/Data Network
Undeniable Billing in Mobile Communications
Friday, October 30