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ACM SIGMOBILE is the primary international organization dedicated to addressing the latest developments in the area of mobility of systems, users, data, and computing. The group's technical scope reflects the symbiosis of portable computers and wireless networks, together with the convergence of mobility, computing, and information organization, its access, services, management, and applications.

Who are SIGMOBILE's Members?

ACM SIGMOBILE has members from around the world, from academic organizations, industry research and development, government, and other interested individuals. Members of SIGMOBILE are active in the development of new technologies and techniques for mobile and wireless computing and communications.

What are the Benefits of Joining SIGMOBILE?

See our SIGMOBILE benefits page for more information.

What are SIGMOBILE's Activities?

SIGMOBILE offers many opportunities for researchers and practitioners in mobile computing and wireless networking to share their ideas, to learn of new results and practices in the field, and to be active in a vibrant community of your colleagues interested in the area of mobility.

Our flagship conference every year is MobiCom, the Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, and is regularly attended by 500 or more researchers, developers, students, and others. SIGMOBILE also organizes and sponsors MobiHoc, the new International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing, dedicated to this rapidly growing specialty; and sponsors and promotes a number of workshops and tutorials on timely and important topics.

SIGMOBILE also publishes a quarterly journal for its members. Part journal and part newsletter, it publishes refereed and invited journal-style articles, news bits, conference and meeting reports, standards reports, regular articles on health effects, and announcements and Calls for Papers for related conferences and other events. SIGMOBILE also keeps its members informed about news and event announcements related to our field via a moderated email distribution list.

And SIGMOBILE recognizes the best in our field, through awards such as the SIGMOBILE Outstanding Contribution Award, the SIGMOBILE Distinguished Service Award, and the MobiCom Best Student Paper award.

What Does it Cost to Join SIGMOBILE?

Membership in SIGMOBILE is very affordable. You can join ACM and SIGMOBILE together, or just join SIGMOBILE without joining ACM. Current membership rates are just $25/year for those who are ACM members and just $30/year for non-ACM members. Student membership in SIGMOBILE is only $20/year if you are a membrer of ACM, or $25/year otherwise.

To join SIGMOBILE, complete this online enrollment process. Paper application forms are available in Communications of the ACM and in SIGMOBILE'S publications.

Online SIGMOBILE Membership Application

Online ACM Membership Application

The ACM Special Interest Group on Mobility of Systems, Users, Data and Computing